Like 47% of all statistics he made them up.

Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Thanks for posting this.  Your figures seem odd.  With only 10 replies, how
do you arrive at these odd percentage responses?


[Original Message]
Date: 11/11/2004 8:58:02 AM
Subject: Poll Results(long)

7a- What lenses, Pentax or other, do you find DO NOT work well with your


style. (sharpness etc)

30% mention the wides are not wide enough now.
10% mention slower than 2.8 is a problem
1% say long primes bring chromayic aberation
1% mention Sigmas 15 f 2.8
1% mention FA 24/2 and FA135/2.8 worked weel on film bodies but not the

digital body.

The rest say all is well with the lenses they own.

8-Has digital taken the place of 35mm film shooting for you

50% yes they shoot no film
49% say they shoot film if hi res is needed or important work
1% said nope.

11-Do you shoot RAW or JPEG or what is needed for the job at hand.

RAW 40%
JPG 40%
BOTH 19%
I noted some shot jpg ONLY if non critical work is being shot, or if they have a LOT of images they want to shoot. One was to cheap to spring for another 1GIG card.<vbg>

I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
--P.J. O'Rourke

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