On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 23:27:08 -0800, Adam McKenty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bee in flower, that is...
> I grabbed this one with my brothers N***n outside the polling station while
> he was participating in democracy.
> I suppose that it might be outside the rules, seeing as it was produced
> with equipment from the dark side, but I figured that violators wouldn't be
> prosecuted too severely <G>.
> http://www.photosynth.ca/photo/f/bee-in-daisy-small.JPG
> Comments welcome.
> Francis.

First of all, there's really no equipment rules for PAWs or PESOs. 
PUG submissions have to be with Pentax, but submit PAWs with
non-Pentaxia all the time.

I like the photo.  Bokeh's a bit harsh (but then it's Nikon).  Did you
desaturate, so that only the yellow centres of the flower are colour? 
It looks that way to me.  Whatever, I like it.

I also like the relatively narrow dof with the OOF flowers in the background.  



"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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