On Apr 3, 2005 11:07 AM, Rick Womer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A pediatric oncologist checking in here.  Hodgkins is
> pretty much the same in kids and big people (unlike a
> number of other diseases).
> The large majority of patients with Stage III Hodgkins
> disease are cured.  It ain't fun, but it usually ain't
> fatal.

Thanks for the information, Rick.  The diversity of this list
continues to amaze me.  Are there any questions that go unanswered by
an expert in that field?

I just received an e-mail from Don (first of all, I'm amazed that he's
even responding to "best wishes" at this point - he just had surgery
yesterday or the day before for God's sake!).  Don's remark was that
he's feeling "pretty beat up".

Your words are very encourageing, though, Rick.

BTW, WRT to the PDML "family album", I think the TOPDML guys would
love to get together and do up a "group portrait".  Yo, Dave, Dave,
Vic, Aaron, Jeff (the latter two don't post anymore).  Sounds like an
excuse for some micro-brew at C'est What!  <vbg>


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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