I picked this zoom up in the all-black version <http://www.bdimitrov.de/kmp/lenses/zooms/short/FA28-105f4-5.6-ii_black.jpg> (much nicer looking than the silver, I think) from KEH. As it has the reputation of being the "worst" of the three Pentax 28-105 variants (and a Tamron rebadged lens), I didn't know what to expect, but it performs quite well. I have had all three 28-105 types at one time and I still have this lens and the power zoom. This IF lens is sharp, contrasty, and significantly lighter and more compact than the powerzoom version, even though it takes 62mm filters. It comes with the bayonet hood and the barrel doesn't rotate when focusing, so polarizers are easier to use (although the hood doesn't have the little removable door at the bottom, like the new 28-105, which makes using a polarizer even easier). And though it shares the telescoping barrel design of the new 28-105, making it seem long and a bit delicate when zoomed out to 105mm, it feels a bit sturdier than the newest 28-105 version (though the powerzoom still feels the sturdiest of all three).

It should sell, used, for about $125 USD in excellent-plus condition from a retailer, closer to $100 on eBay, perhaps.


Just came across another FS zoom - a 28-105, this time. Not 100% sure which variant it is, but I think it's most likely to be this one:


As usual, I would like to ask for opinions on the performance, reasonable price level etc.

Hmmm... Seems like I've been posting a lot to this list lately. Must be a slow week at work...

- Toralf


Joe Wilensky
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