First. Just bought myself a second hand Ds. The kit lens is in the bin
(relax, not literally speaking). I've bought myself a Tamron 28-75/2,8. 
I'm convinced this is the perfect toy for me. I love her, and I believe she
loves me back. If it ain't love, then what a heck, then it is perfect sex,
and that’s really something. She is pretty. She responds to every move I
make. And when I touch her button, she comes instantly, over and over again.

Ok, now I have got it out of my system, I'll stop talking dirty,
embarrassing some of you. The thing is that I like the camera. I like the
way she is built, and I like her speed. 

But there is one downer. I'm not able to load the RAW files in Elements 3. I
have been to the Adobe site. There I realize, Elements does not support Ds,
just the D. (By the way, the D is twice as expensive here in Norway, as the
Ds, don't ask me why). 
So now I do wonder. Is there any way around this problem? 
I have just bought Elements too. So I am a total novice. In fact I have
never done something serious in any image processor before. Of course, I can
use the Pentax Photlab to convert the pictures, and then move on working in
Elements. But then I must learn two new programs, not one, and that takes
time. And this time I want to spend with my new lover (oops, there I go
again, talking dirty). And I would like to be able to do all, my image
processing in one program. 

The Flaming Norwegian.

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