On 2005-06-06, at 22:51, Alexandru-Cristian Sarbu wrote:

he wants btw. a nice
lens, it's not very clear for me but it seems his choices are the FA
35 f/2 or the F(? is that correct, or Jessops screwed the codes and
it's in fact the FA?)28-105 f/3.2-4.5. Both black. What do you think?
(I'll forward to him your advices, 10x).

nice lens because of its quality is FA 35/2. Nice lens because of being universal is FA (there was no F version) 28-105/3.2-4.5. I'd take both if I was your friend :-)


Congratulation, Florin Nastasa! (and I hope we'll meet here, soon).
Congratulations too!

Best regards

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