Thanks, Joe and Jim, for your feedback on my inquery.

In the end, I opted for the 20-35mm as both of you suggested. I'm not sure
what the going rate is, but I was personally content to pay under $400. As
desired, it gives me the compact walk-around lens that I needed for the
ist-D, with the built-in flash compatibility that the 16-45mm (which I'll
certainly be keeping) lacks. I think it will complement the 50mm nicely.

While the 20-35mm doesn't get me any wider with the ist-D, it'll be my
widest lens on the MZ-S. So, it also gives me incentive this summer to
dust off my only 35mm body left (inactive for over a year) and see if that
slide film in the refrigerator is still any good. Thanks again.

      - Jerome

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