Tom Reese wrote:

Cesar Matamoros:

1. attempted to weasel out of paying for his numerous transgressions by

"...I actually got back into town late Sunday night. I subscribed at that
point - oh, did I forget to subscribe directly to the list ? :-) - so as to
not miss out on reports from others returning from the NPW. I actually did
not want to be slandered and not know about it :-)"

Truth ain't slander bud. Your high crimes and misdemeanors will follow you
until the end of your days.

Don't I know it. A couple of the team members are already planning on how to deal with it next year. So, like I stated previously, I have not emebedded myself into 'gate boy' history.

"Frank Theriault - You should be seeing some of his shots shortly..."

I hope he has the good sense (yeah right) to dispose of most of those shots.

I have a CD ready to send to him. I have not removed a single shot, but then after seeing his posts I doubt very much he will get rid of them either :-)

"Ken & French Waller (and brother-in-law, Bob)"

thanks to Ken (the Troublemaker) Waller, I now lust after an FA 600/4.

Glad to see that I am not the only one who has a list of lenses to get...

"Chris & Penny Braswell - lurker extraordinaire. An excellent photographer
that not only took Best In Show, but I believe a first and a third place???
And boy, does he know us all :-)
Amazing how he keeps up with the list..."

I think his first name is Charles but the error serves him right for not
posting. He is indeed a terrific photographer. It's really spooky the way he
knew everyone. I hereby nominate him for the title 'Official PDML Stalker'.

Oh my goodness!!! Of course it is Charles. I know that, he knows that I know it, what possessed me to write Chris I will never know.
My apologies Charles.

"Don Nelson - 'southern gentleman' personified."

Don did a terrific job putting the weekend together. His only fault is that
he trusts the wrong people. His obvious error in delegating gatekeeping duty
to C. (Rip Van Winkle) M. is the only blemish on an otherwise sterling

That's right, I did it on purpose. If it were perfect people would wonder about coming around next year, because how can you improve on perfection:-)
Hey, it sounds good.

Tom Reese
Only 475 more posts to go,

Panama City, Florida

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