On Thu, 25 Aug 2005, mike wilson wrote:

> They don't need to have a curve on them to act as a lens.  If a light 
> ray is hitting them at an angle, it will be deflected by refraction.
> http://www.ps.missouri.edu/rickspage/refract/refraction.html
> Would make all the difference between a sharp and soft image.


Yesssss, I do happen know a smidge about refraction(*). But tell me about 
those filters everyone puts in front of their lenses...  or do they not 
have the same effect? :-) Is it only at the rear of the lens you reckon 
it makes a difference?

But that brings out the scientist in me. It would be an interesting to 
place a small, flat disk of optical glass at the rear of (say) the Pentax 
24mm f/2.8 - you're saying it should have some effect at higher incidence 
angles (i.e. the edges of the frame)? 

(*) there's a touch of irony in there.


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