On Mon, 02 Jul 2001 12:54:16 -0700, Cameron R. Hood wrote:

>    I had one of them for about a week, and the strap buckle (made of
>plastic) let go one time when I was picking it up at an angle. All of my
>photo gear went smashing to the ground. And no, it was not overloaded.
>Repeated angry calls, letters and emails to LowePro resulted in them sending
>out a brand new top of the line LowePro Pro-Trekker AW to replace it.
>However, this was after $500.00 in claims to my camera insurance for
>repairs. That particular bag (your Phototrekker) is the only one in the line
>that has those silly little plastic clips which bear ALL of the weight of
>the gear:

Hi Cameron, sad story!

I could not relate to your description at first, could not find any plastic clips
execpt for the ones on the belt and shoulder straps (but they look OK).

Then I saw you mentioned the strap-buckle, well I NEVER use that, I
find it more convenient to use it as a back-pack.

I just checked the strap that came with it, and on this one all the clips and
rings are made of solid metal!

Now this packpack is just two months old, maybe they learned from experiences like 
yours ...

Regards, JvW
Jan van Wijk;   www.fsys.demon.nl

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