I personally would like to see as many different Pentax lenses as possible; I just won't hold my breath for a 17-35/2.8 though. Firstly they need to upgrade the FA* 28-70/2.8 and the FA* 80-200/2.8 with models without power-zoom. A better idea in my opinion is to make an 24-70/2.8 to complement the rumored FA 18/2.8 Limited.
As you say, these zooms are popular among photo journalist but that market has never been of much interest for Pentax, nor is it the most demanding use concerning optical quality. Have others than me noticed all those National Geographic wide-angle shot with fuzzy corners obviously shot with these crappy modern lenses? 
Two things are of major importance in a wide angle: Close focusing ability and flare control. Zooms are good at neither. A Photo journalist need quality thats good enough for the local newspaper....
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 12:56 AM
Subject: Re: New Lens ???

I really hope for a 17-35mm f/:2.8, not because of digital but because it will be great.
Action picture for news papers (reporting) need to change easily the range and have great aperture. REmember, Minolta has a 17-35mm f/:3.5 and no Digital SLR.
Some friend s of mine tell that using these 3 lens :
17-35mm f/:2.8, 28-70mm f::2.8 and 80-200mm f/:2.8, will be the most use for professionnal use. Even a 400mm f/:2.8 in FA version
And when Pentax will make converteers with AF connection ?
By the way, do you know that the USM using by Xanon is licenced by Nikon ??? Funny isn t it ?
See you
----- Original Message -----
Sent: lundi 2 juillet 2001 22:24
Subject: RE: New Lens ???

I think it is up to marketing of Pentax, not their engineers to decide what models they will release (develop).
What lenses do you feel are missing?
Does anybody heard something about a 17-35mm f/:2.8 FA ???
And about stabilisation or silent wave ???
And do you think it is going to be released a new 80-200mm f/:2.8, cheaper, without power zoom ???
How can we write to Japanese Pentax engineers ? I hope to ask them to release some lens I feel missing
See you

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