Quoting Kevin Waterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Yes. At the most basic level they use a regex (regular expression)
> to match anything in the source code. Pattern matching would be something
> like
> '/[EMAIL PROTECTED],}\.[\w]{2,6}$/iU'
> to match anything within the code that looks like an email address.

I'm a true novice to the secret powers of RegEx...
Would they also pick it up if you split up the mail address into parts contained
in variables, and then assemble the mail address by concatenating the

Something like:

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
emUser = 'someuser';
emDomain = 'somedomain.com';
emLink = '<i>eMail me...</i>';
em = eUser + String.fromCharCode(32*2) + emDomain;
document.write('<A href="mailto:' + ep + '">' + emLink + '</A>');


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