Hi Shel,

Do you have the camera set to automatically adjust ISO? That might be
it...  Check the ISO used on each picture.

In manual mode, *you* are the one underexposing, not the camera... :)



On 10/12/05, Shel Belinkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's the situation.  I was checking the results of a CLA on one of my
> lenses.  Mounted the DS securely on my desk, set and locked exposure to
> 1/60 sec @ 5.6 with ISO of 200, took a few snaps of the wall.  This was in
> Av mode.  Changed to full manual, exposure set to 1/60sec @ 5.6, 200 ISO.
> Exposures look to be about one stop apart.  Results like this are
> unacceptable.  Tried the scenario a number of times, making sure to hit the
> AE-L button, making sure settings did not change, etc.  Must have run
> through 50 or so exposures testing this. The camera consistently under
> exposes when in manual mode compared to using the same settings an Ap
> Priority.   Any thoughts?
> Shel
> "Am I paranoid or perceptive?"

Juan Buhler
photoblog at http://photoblog.jbuhler.com

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