First, I'd like to thank the folks who make the PUG happen on a
monthly basis.  It seems this month that the question of the PUG's
"usefulness" was answered with a very resounding "yes".  This makes me

Now the photos:  I won't comment on all of them.  I often find myself
at a loss for the proper words.  In these cases it's best for me to
not say anything (good or bad).  Overall, a very wonderful and
entertaining PUG.

Bad Rack:  I really like Ann's choice for the plane of focus.  The
look of exasperation on the player's face combined with the rack
itself made me laugh.  Ann's sense of humor is present in many of her
photographs, and is something I look forward to.

Collapsed Barn:  Combining the mountain and the barn concurrently
imparts feelings of timelessness and the passing of time.  The color
is nice and the composition is very strong.  Excellent, IMHO.

Summer Storm:  Tom needs to share more photos with us.  Of the few
photos I've seen from Mr. Reese, I'm always very impressed.  They
often leave me wondering if I should just sell all of my photo gear
and take up basket weaving.  On second thought, Tom, keep your photos
to yourself.  <g>

Untitled:  Quite a bit has already been said of this absolutely
amazing photograph.  I'm not sure I can add much more.  Even without
the description, the intent comes across very clearly.  This is by far
the best photograph of Marnie's I've seen.

Pennies:  What the hell was that guy thinking?  Oh.  Crap.  Never mind.

Slightly Used:  Good composition.  John's use of the 18-35mm is really
nice.  You might occasionally hear me gripe about very-wide-angle and
fisheye lenses, but when they're used well, they can add much to the
composition.  This photo reminds me of my home in the Ozarks - I used
to frequently find stuff like this miles into the woods with no
visible remnants of any road nearby.  Very nostalgic mood.  Excellent!

Before the Storm:  That's just cool!  Composition is good, mood is
better.  Luben's photos always speak volumes, and this is no
exception.  BTW, I really like the distant bird against the clouds.

Scott Loveless

"You have to hold the button down" -Arnold Newman

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