
Gmail invitations were scarce when it first came out, but now
everybody should have plenty. I have 49 left myself.

So, you could just open an account to see how it feels. If you care
about my judgement, I believe the concerns people have are no more
than unfounded conspiracy theories. All email systems "scan" the text
in some way or another. Gmail was in the news because their automated
system happens to look at your text to write ads. Big deal. The ads
are infinitely less obtrusive than what Yahoo mail has now, which some
times uses Flash, btw.

I have all the PDML since I re-joined last year, plus the Leica list,
plus the streetphoto list in my gmail account. It is really fast to
search for stuff in those.


On 11/4/05, Shel Belinkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Bob ...hanks for the info and the invite.  I'll pass - Gmail looks to be
> a web-based mail system and I'd much prefer not to go that route.
> With Earthlink I can quickly sort by sender, subject, date/time and can
> read the mail off line.
> I'd be curious to see what an invitation is like - but if you only have a
> couple, don't waste it on me.
> Shel
> "You meet the nicest people with a Pentax"
> > [Original Message]
> > From: Bob Sullivan
> > Gmail, Yahoo, and others let you create an email address to send and
> > receive email from.  Gmail is from Google and particularly attractive
> > because it is fast and has a very, very large storage space for your
> > use.  It beats all my other email systems - AOL, Lotus Notes at the
> > office, Yahoo mail, whatever.  It is also very attractive because
> > messages with the same subject line are threaded together so you can
> > read them sequentially.
> > The real test came in China.  Trying to get to my corporate mail was
> > nearly impossible (2 hours to load up).  AOL was better, but still to
> > slow - 20 minutes to get to mail when I could.  Gmail was immediate!
> > It was press the button, get your list of mail threads.  Press the
> > button, get the email you want to read.  No waiting.
> > So I'm sold.  Don't say anything in email you would be embarrassed to
> > read in the newspaper or hear on the Tele.  When and if they start to
> > harass me thru this account, I'll drop it.
> > You want an invitation to join gmail?

Juan Buhler
photoblog at

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