this is why i took up slides and then abandoned them as soon as i could. magazine submissions required slides for a long time. now, i don't deal with places that can't handle files. the rest of the time, color prints 11x14 or larger are the goal. starting with slides are the way i like to do it best when using film, but i'll shoot film only when i want a specific effect now. got some Velvia 50 recently for a project that i haven't worked on yet. compared to my Provia 100F shots on good Pentax lenses, the D2X shows more detail. i think Velvia using a macro will still come out ahead of the D2X using a comparable macro. that's the test i need to run.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Rob Studdert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2005 7:13 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Shoot now, focus later

Fair enough, since I don't "show" slides, they are but the first element in my processing chain, not the beginning and the end. Slides are fine in the right environment but outside the limited confines of one on one projection it's very
difficult to share or display work which is a goal of mine.

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