I had the same problem when I purchased my *istD from B&H, but the failure happened after 60 days. There were apparently many people who suffered from this problem. Even though B&H could have justifiably made me return the camera to Pentax in Colorado, they took my camera back and replaced it with a brand new one. Another reason to shop at well-known retailers.

On Dec 16, 2005, at 3:36 PM, David Dixon wrote:

A few weeks ago I mentioned that my the built-in flash on my *istD had failed 18 months after purchase (and outside the 1 year guarantee).

Well, I wrote a polite letter to the retailer's head office (Jacobs - a smallish chain of UK photo shops) asking them to repair it since the problem was most likely due to a latent fault at the time of sale. They agreed to take the camera back, forwarded it to Pentax UK, who forwarded it to Pentax Europe, who have replaced the flash PCB at no cost to me. The camera returned today and works fine.

Although UK consumer law was on my side, I was expecting to have a bit of a fight to persuade the shop to honour their obligations, so I've been pleasantly surprised by the excellent service from Jacobs. I'm now very glad I bought my camera from a "real" shop rather than an internet site; I can't imagine many of them would have been as helpful.


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