
You know, I only care about Pentax because that's the mount of the
lenses I have. As long as the lenses are good, and relatively
state-of-the-art bodies are introduced that will take those lenses, I
couldn't care less what name is in them.

If, say, Cosina introduced a 12MP K mount digicam I would be all for
it. Pentax has many advantages, like ergonomics, small size, great
lenses. But their logo is not one of them.

If the Schneider lenses are rebadged FAs, Pentax still gets the money
for making them, making them able to stay in the business. If not,
that will mean someone else is making K mount lenses. Sounds win-win
to me, unless you just care about the name.


> What I mean is that you the the 18-55 package but someone else's glass
> label.
> That's not Pentax, except perhaps for the package.  And that's not a
> significant
> photo product by any streach.
> And why buy Pentax glass given the popularity of the Schneider name?
> Old-timers know Schneider from the Kodak days (whether Retina or even the
> first
> 126 bodies, let alone the digitals) and it's known in LF (it's definitely
> the
> best in that arena, though a bit pricey).  Pentax has become a relatively-
> unknown entity in these circles.  Comparatively, that is.
> This might very easily backfire.  I don't want it to backfire, but it won't
> be any surprize.
> Collin
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Juan Buhler
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