I got an F-803 for Rolling Red last year. Just like mine (which is ~6
years old), but black. Besides not looking as nice because it is brand
new (I like how they look when they are old and weathered) the quality
seems the same, it is very strong, and will age beautifully.


On 1/1/06, Shel Belinkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I love my Domke F-803 satchel.  It's strong, durable, small, inconspicuous,
> and it can carry a lot more than one might think.
> I want to buy another Domke bag, this time the smaller F-5XB.  However, I
> vaguely recall reading that the quality of the Domke bags has dropped
> during the past couple-three years, perhaps due to a different manufacturer
> or distributors.  Does anyone know if the quality of the current Domke bags
> has changed?
> And while this seems something of a silly question, I'm having some
> difficulty deciding on a black bag or an olive bag.  Any suggestions <LOL>?
> Shel

Juan Buhler
photoblog at http://photoblog.jbuhler.com

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