On 2/22/06, Boris Liberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Frank, you over-compliment me ;-). There is very little to this shot.
> This time of year in Israel one can walk by the road and collect very
> nice flower shots by the dozen.

First of all, Boris, just because there may be thousands of
opportunities for a photo does not mean that every capture will be
well-executed (as yours is).

Secondly, because a photo is simple in concept and understated in its
elegance, that does not mean that it can be an outstanding shot (as
yours is).

Third, the amount of effort expended on a particular shot is not
always commensurate with its quality.  That goes both ways;  there are
photos that I've worked like a bugger on that just never panned out,
and some that I've shot from the hip with virtually no preparation
that are on my top 10 list.  OTOH, it could be said that for some of
those "spontaneous grabs" that years of experience and learning come
into the equation, but again, that's not always the case.

Just a few thoughts...


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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