Hi Godfrey,
Thank you and sorry for the same questions.
Yes I like angle of 24mm lens and plan to buy A24 to have for PZ1 and dslr
when I buy it. So thank you for commnents on the lens!
I own 30mm lens very happy but just wondered if FA is better. So either
new FA 35mm is really better or you have maybe faulty version of 30mm,
since you prefer FA 28 and 35mm and I have read that 30mm is better than
any 28mm from Pentax and sometimes it is truth that used lens can be
faulty a little bit. But maybe FA is really better. I must consider what
to keep/sell.Manual focising is very nice for me and build quality is also
better with K than FA lenses, no wonder by the way. Some say that K lenses
are also great and often better than FA ones but it probably depends on
sample wariations and testers. for instance I have results from Modern
Photography in whicj K 50/1/4 got better results than A one in sharpness,
not much but bettre and A, F, FA seems to be the same optically so it is
strange. I believe that sample variations are a problem to test lesnes
(like everything), just look at photodo where F is better than FA, why and
FA 43 got really poor results, 28mm is not very good, worse than AIS from
Once again thank you for commenst and answers, pictures are more
important!Pity I do not have my website, no free time to do this, PhD is
calling...so plenty of research ahead of me.
What surprice me it is the fact that on DS you could see the difference
between FA 35mm and 30mm , since sensor is said to be about 50 - 60 lines
per mm and resolution of above lenses is for sure higher. so probably sth
wrong with your 30mm, I have a problem with M28mm, a little bit soft,maybe
faulty a few years ago.
PS You have very nice B&W picture on website, I shoot mostly landscapes
and close ups but nearly slided only and sometimes 300D Canon with kit and
macro 100mm USM but I do not like a build of kit wrrr...:)
 On Feb 22, 2006, at 10:09 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I own SMC K 30mm/2.8 lens and use it for slides. But consider dslr
>> so 45m
>> angle would be very nice indeed. But...what about FA35/2.0 as standard
>> lens?What about optical performance between two?Which one is
>> sharper and
>> has better bokeh?What about color rendition?Has anyone had both and
>> could
>> tell which is better?IS 30mm better than FA 28mm and SMC K28/3.5?
> Alex,
> You've asked this question on DPReview and to me personally before.
> Following up with my answer to you... might as well wrap them together.
> The K30/2.8 is a good lens. Later lenses in the focal length range
> are often better performers due to improvements in the optical
> formulae and antireflection coatings. The current FA28/2.8 AL and
> FA35/2 AL are superb. Better or worse? Well, the specific K30/2.8 I
> tried out was not a substantially better performer than the A28/2.8
> that I owned at the time. The current FA28 and FA35 are much better
> performers.
> And in response to your second query to me in email:
>> ... taking into account that the price of A24mm is not very high
>> and that  it seems to be very good lens, you prefer it over 28/35
>> A lenses ...
> Prefer is a different thing. I found the A24 to have better contrast
> and sharpness wide open compared to the A28/2.8 and A35/2.8. The
> field of view on the *ist DS body is wider, which sometimes I want/
> need and other times not.
> BTW, all of the Pentax primes in this focal length range to date will
> cover a 24x36mm film format, even the DA40/2.8. That said, I don't
> expect a 24x36mm sensor body from Pentax any time soon, nor do I
> consider planning lens purchases around such a possibility to be of
> very high importance. I only own digital Pentax SLR cameras.
>> What I am wooriued about it is the fact you wrote 30mm is not as
>> good as new FA35mm one. I bought my 30mm for about 130$ so the
>> price was very good I think in mint condition with oryginal case!
> If you already own the K30, and like it, what are you worrying about?
> There's always something better in the world, with very rare
> exceptions. The one I looked at was very reasonably priced but not
> interesting because a) it was no better than what I already had, b)
> didn't provide much different in way of field of view, and c)
> because, for me, the lack of lens mount features limits the
> functionality of the *ist DS.
>> I have read different comments on Stan Halpin's site and  was
>> regarded as fantastic lens. But there was no direct comparison
>> with 35mm lens. Especially Yoshihiko liked it very much
> Since the comments on Stan's site are comments by people on this
> mailing list, I would expect the response from here to be virtually
> identical to what you've already read.
>> BTW did you ever have a chance co compare your Pentax primes with
>> any Canon/Nikon counterparts?I just wonder if FA35/50mm etc are
>> of similar quality like above or not.
> I owned and used primarily Nikon film camera equipment for over 30
> years, and I have at present a Canon DSLR and four lens kit as well
> as my Pentax gear. The Pentax FA35 and FA50 are excellent, and on par
> or better performers compared to the Canon 50/1.4 and 28/1.8, Nikon
> 50/1.4 and 35/2 with regard to resolution and contrast. Each of the
> different lenses has different rendering qualities, and that's where
> I have found the Pentax lenses to be more pleasing. I've also owned
> Leica rangefinder gear for most of the past four decades, and
> consider the Pentax lens line to have what are in many ways very
> similar qualities.
> best,
> Godfrey

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