frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been looking at all these wonderful photos that people
have been
> posting over the last week or so, and I have to say that I'm
> impressed with all of them.  I understand that "favourite" and
> are completely different, and I also understand that these
> change over time:  photos float onto or off lists, often more
> once.
> I was surprised at some shots that ~weren't~ included - one
that comes
> to mind was taken by Gianfranco of a couple on a Vespa in a
> one that he took with one hand, out the window of a passing

You forgot to mention that I was driving, too... :-) (hey,
that's true!)

Thanks for mantioning that one, Frank, it is a fond memory.
You know what? I thought about showing that one, in fact it -
more than the others - probably sums up all the things I try to
put in a picture (the moment, a bit of humour, and so on) but
probably it is not what I define my best nor it is my absolute
favourite... (now I was starting a huge post about how I would
interpret "best" but stopped in time :-)
To be fair, I hate that shot a bit because it's a real PITA to
print it properly...

For those interested, the shot is here:


(in a vain mood today)


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