Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On 22/2/06, Jens Bladt, discombobulated, unleashed:
>>"Most professional sports photographers have the following set of equipment:
>>3 top-of-the-line digital camera bodies, such as the Canon 1D or Nikon D2H
>>($3,000 each)
>>6 Extra batteries ($100 each)
>>Extreme wide angle 14mm f/2.8 ($1,400)
>>Wide angle zoom lens 17 - 35mm f/2.8 ($1,400)
>>Fast short telephoto 85mm f/1.4 ($900)
>>Telephoto zoom 70-200 f/2.8 ($1,500)
>>Fast Telephoto 300mm f/2.8 ($4,400)
>>Fast Long Telephoto 400mm f/2.8 ($7,700)
>>Teleconverter 1.4x ($450)
>>Teleconverter 2x ($450)
>>2 Monopods ($150 each)
>>Tripod ($450)
>>2 Flashes ($400 each)
>>Radio Remotes ($300)
>>Light stands, umbrellas, misc lighting equipment ($500)
>>Laptop with extra ram ($2,500)
>>Photoshop ($600)
>>Other software ($500)
>>Rolling camera case ($300)
>>Rain gear ($500)
>>Total: $34,000"
>Don't forget:
>Insurance for above ($2500 yearly)
>New car every 3 years ($28,000)
>Interest on overdraft facility (£500)
>Hospitality to kennel maids etc ($10,000)
>Assistant ($22,000 yearly)
>Drinking habit ($12,000)
>Alimony ($68,000 yearly)

Personal masseuse ($25,000 yearly)
Emergency gear rental when airline loses it $10,000
Licensing photos from Ken Rockwell when yours turn out like crap $50,000
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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