Hi Bill,

Congratulations - I'm happy for you.

I really don't care much for the photo - not that you asked - and I bring
up my feelings because the skin texture looks strange to me.  That's my
biggest dislike.  Did you do something to the skin when processing the
photo?  It just looks w-a-y unnatural.


> [Original Message]
> From: William Robb 

> A few weeks ago, I was invited to attend a competition shoot modeled on
> "Naked in the House" projects.
> The rules were simple:
> The pictures had to be shot on B&W film, the photographer had one camera, 
> one lens, one roll of film, and half an hour to shoot a nude model using 
> available light only.
> Reflectors were allowed, and the rules were relaxed so that C-41
> film was allowed.
> Anyway, it turns out I won the contest with the following image:
> http://users.accesscomm.ca/wrobb/pictures/works/01500016b.html
> Even more interesting (to me, anyway), is that the first *and* second
> pictures were printed in an Epson inkjet printer, as opposed to
> paper.

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