----- Original Message ----- From: "David Bean"
Subject: RE: We have a winner....

Indeed; what the heck happened to the poor woman from the waist down?  Is
this, perhaps, a "sanitized" version [different from the competition entry] intended for web consumption? It is troubling to think that, after all the
rules for film and simplicity, the judges would allow a scanned and
seriously altered image. If you're going to allow scanning, photoshop, etc,
why insist on film to begin with?

Funny you should mention that.
The picture is a crop, but what I am showing is just a downsized and sharpened version of what I submitted. I found it annoying that they wouldn't let me shoot digital, especially considering that every print except mine, the number two picture, and one that was obviously a badly done darkroom manipulation, were printed on a digital photo printer at London Drugs.

William Robb

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