I attended a concert of the Irish Tenors here in New Jersey yesterday. It was 
an early St. Patrick's day gift to my wife, who isIrish-American.
At the end of intermission, the manager came on stage to thank severalpeople, 
and then he did a very nice explanation of the St. Baldrick'sDay charity and 
asked us all to support it is we are asked.
I was happy to tell my wife that I was supporting a fellowphotographer who was 
getting shaved. . .
On 3/2/06, Illinois Bill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> Hello Pentax-Discuss,>>    
 I am coming out of lurk mode for a little while here.  Yes, I am> asking for 
donations, so if you abhor this sort of email . . . . ok,> now that those 
people have hit the delete button, please read below> to find out how you can 
help to further children's cancer research.> I apologize to those that think 
this is an abuse of the listserve,> but I know that many GOOD people exist on 
here, who willingly perform> random acts of kindness.  For those who think 
there needs to be a> pentax reference, my photo on the link below was taken 
with my *ist D> last year.>>     On March 17th (Yes, St. Patrick's Day), I am 
going to be> participating in an event that I think is very worthwhile.  
Tinley> Park High School is hosting what is known as a "St. Baldrick's Day"> 
event.  The purpose of the event is to promote awareness for, and> make money 
for children's cancer research.>>     At the event volunteers !
 will either have their heads shaved or> donate 10 inches of hair (10 inches 
are needed to make wigs).> Students and teachers alike have their locks cut 
off.  Students who> are not willing to participate by sitting in the barber's 
chair can> help out by donating $3 to see the event. I participated in the 
event> last year, and have to say it was a tremendous success.>>     Now here's 
where you come in:  I'm seeking your sponsorship.  Ask> yourself this one 
question:  "Do I know anyone who was touched by> cancer?"  If the answer is 
yes, then I know you'll want to do> something about it.  As you know, every 
penny counts and can add up> to a great amount.  Just think what could be done 
if everyone in the> U.S. donated $1 towards cancer research!>>     If you want 
to sponsor me, there are several ways to do so.  You> could click on the link 
below and make a donation on the official St.> Baldrick's website.  Or, if you 
see me in person before March 17th,> you can simply hand me yo!
 ur donation.  At the very least, click on> the link below to see a pic
ture of what I looked like last year at> the event.>>>> Thank you in 
advance,>> Bill Kane>> P.S.>> I'm selling my beard this year to my students.  
The students are> pretty excited about it and have donated $30 in one day 
(without> prior notice).  For $100, I'm shaving just the chin, $200 only the> 
moustache, $300 gets them both . . . For $400 I'll walk around with> only the 
left half, and for $500 I'm going to shave it checkerboard> fashion.  They've 
already convinced me that if they pay $600 that> I'll let them vote for what 
should happen to it.>> P.P.S  If you know someone who you think would like to 
donate to this> cause, feel free to let them know about it.>>

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