Thank you, Jack. One of the guys on another list responded:

No question but that it's a camellia japonica, Godfrey, but just what
varietal is open to debate! I see it has a few blushes of white so that means it's a variegated blossom. The tight stamens in the center, the shade
of red and the splotches of white suggest a "Gigantea" which is an old
standby of 75 years (or more) ago but it doesn't look large enough to be
that. That variety's name was derived from the fact it produced huge
blossoms, generally six-eight inches across.

Always a beautiful flower, the camellia.


On Mar 13, 2006, at 12:16 PM, Jack Davis wrote:

Very unique (to me) blossom. Pedal layering is not something I've often
noticed. Unknown variety.
DOF allowed a little softness on top edge, but composition and droplets
make for a fetching image.

--- Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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