Jack Davis wrote:

You must have missed my original post wherein I related having taken a
few shots with a borrowed DL. I posed a question about jpg file size
which led to A respondent suggesting I check out some RAW. Planning to
do so this weekend using some of my own glass.

Yes, apparently missed it (as I said, it got a little convoluted.)
There's a cheap (not in time, but in money -- actually, free) option then.
There are some nice Adobe white papers and tutorials available on the Adobe site regarding Raw workflow, and Bruce Fraser is the author or co-author of some of those white papers.
Take a look here --

--- "E.R.N. Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jack Davis wrote:

If I do (wife lets me) go for the 10mp..or?, I'll definitely obtain
suggested book.

I'm losing track of the whole story here. Do you already have a
camera capable of recording Raw?
If so, why wait before buying the book?

If not, never mind ...


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