Kenneth Waller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ralf, I really like what you've captured. I don't feel the top part adds to
> the image. If it were mine I'd crop out from the roof line on the right to
> the top.

Beg to differ. The steel mill in the background is at least as typical
for the place as the houses in the foreground. In fact, it's why I spend
most of my weekends in the area. 

Most of the industrial buildings will be gone in a few years and I'm
trying to capture whatever remains of the days when the mills and coal
mines were the main features of this place. The mines have long gone
almost without a trace and the mills are now cold and dead. Only one
blast furnace remains in operation and that will also be closed in 3

Nice little streets can be had all over Belgium. It's the mill in the
background that makes Rue Bordelais what it is. 


Ralf R. Radermacher  -  DL9KCG  -  Köln/Cologne, Germany
private homepage:
manual cameras and photo galleries - updated Jan. 10, 2005
Contarex - Kiev 60 - Horizon 202 - P6 mount lenses

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