Yep. When the new versions open an old image they ask if you want to convert or leave it so it can still be openned in the old version <sigh>.

However, I think what your printer guys were trying to tell you with that Image Ready comment was they want the logo as a .gif. Jpeg is best for continuous tone images like photos, but gifs seem to work better for things like logos. There should be no problems with openning a .gif in any version.

I just have had all this stuff put into perspective as I picked up a used pocket-pc. If you think software for desktops is strange, just wait until you start messing with Windows PPC stuff. You will then find out what things are like when MS truely has a monopoly.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Dave Brooks wrote:
Hi Troops.

Do earlier versions of PS have problems opening up files from newer versions.?

The logo i'm doing was done on the ibook (PSCS)G4 OSX. I saved as a Jpg ( I 
didi not merge any layers)and moved it to my PC Windows XP Home SP 2.
When i went to open in PS 7 it gave me an eror of not enough memeory to open. 
The file is only 68K.
However it would open in PSEL3 but i could not do anything to it as it said the 
layers were locked.

Any tips.?

I have one more thing to add to the logo, and now i have problems??? Go 
fiqure.LOL I 'll finish it in CS on the ibook, just curious whats happening 


David J Brooks
Equine, Pets, Bands, Rural Landscape Photography in York Region
Pentax istD, PZ-1, Nikon D1 D2H

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