
Are there places a good camera shouldn't go?
If there is, I am not aware of it.

I am definitely not as methodical as you, though I feel that I do clean my lenses too often - I am probably pressing my luck in terms of scratching a lens. It is impressive to note how much has to be on a lens before you truly notice a degradation of the ultimate image.

My camera bodies get wiped down every so often when they get filthy. No method used really.

Tools, not jewels,

Panama City, Florida

Leon Altoff wrote:

Hello everyone,

I've just been cleaning my equipment and I began to wonder how everyone else out there looks after their precious Pentax equipment.

I tend to use my cameras on the coast and subject them to salt spray so I feel cleaning is important and I tend to clean all the equipment I have been using at the same time and adopt a staged approach.


So what lengths do you go to to clean your camera when you take it places a good camera shouldn't go?

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