On 3/20/06, Mark Erickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All,
> Midtown Sacramento has a lot of beautiful brickwork, terra cotta accents,
> mosiacs, and other architectural details that were created early in the last
> century.  I managed to tuck time for a little local location work into my
> busy weekend; I took a few shots, did my Photoshop "magic",  and updated my
> brickwork gallery.  These are a little less abstract than the last set, and
> also a bit richer in contrast and darker tones.  All were taken with my FA
> 31 Ltd.
> http://www.westerickson.net/brickwork/
> As usual, the online gallery does not do justice to the Epson R800 prints.
> I believe that I can take these to 10"x15" and still hold crisp detail and
> contrast.  As always, comments (both positive and negative) and suggestions
> are requested.

It is quite beautiful, but it does scream to be blowed up real big. 
I'm sure it looks great as a largish print.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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