I have been wondering about one thing. 

In the 10 months I've had my DS, I have had dust on sensor one time. I'm not
very careful with my equipment. I do change lens almost everywhere. I don't
leave the camera house open, and I do try to be a little careful, but I have
a rather relaxed attitude towards this. Why do some have a lot of dust
problems, and some don't? 

Here Aaron tells us about two cameras that "behave" completely differently
when it comes to dust. I assume they are similar in sealing. If they are
different, I would guess the D is better sealed. But it is the D who
attracts most dust. This is strange. 

I have one rather odd theory: Could some sensors be charged with static
electricity? Any thoughts on this? 

Mostly harmless (just plain Norwegian)
Never underestimate the power of stupidity in large crowds 
(Very freely after Arthur C. Clarke, or some other clever guy)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Aaron Reynolds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 30. mars 2006 06:35
> To: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
> Subject: *ist D vs DS2, some questions
> So I used Dave Brooks' *ist D last summer a bunch of times.  Since
> then, I've used a DS and now own a DS2.  I noticed a couple of things
> and thought I'd ask the list about them.
> ISO -- I thought the maximum ISO on the D was 1600.  Was it raised with
> a firmware upgrade?
> Dust -- No matter how clean I tried to keep it, Dave's D attracted dust
> like crazy.  However, both the DS and DS2 seem to not have anywhere
> near the dust troubles that the D had.  Was something done to keep the
> dust away from the sensor on the newer cameras?
> -Aaron

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