What's the story on this "friendly" bird..taxidermy?


--- David Savage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 4/18/06, Russell Kerstetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What is a decent lens (or a decent length) for shooting birds?
> <snip>
> G'day Russell
> FA 100mm f2.8 Macro isn't too shabby:
> <http://www.arach.net.au/~savage/GESO/GESO_001/pages/IMGP2152_2.html>
> Of course you need friendly birds :-)
> The FA 80-320 f4.5-5.6 isn't bad for a cheap lens:
> <http://www.arach.net.au/~savage/GESO/GESO_001/index.html#6>
> All but the last 2 in the gallery were shot with the FA 80-320
> Dave (not really helping much) S.

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