Thanks, I'm checking b&h now...

Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:
> The only two PSDs I've had any experience with are the Epson P2000  
> and CompactDrive PD70X. Both work well with 1G SD files, and I've  
> tested the Epson P2000 with 2G SD cards and both K10D/*ist DS files,  
> but I don't own the PD70X so I don't know how well it does with 2G SD  
> cards or K10D files explicitly.
> I think the "HyperDrive" brand models are identical to the  
> "CompactDrive" models.
> I would go to the B&H Photo website under storage devices and look  
> there for appropriate products rather than using Google. In general,  
> if it is a decent quality photographic produce, B&H will tend to have  
> it.
> Godfrey
> On Dec 20, 2006, at 2:55 PM, Feroze wrote:
>> Thanks Godfrey,
>> I don't really need one with a screen or anything fancy, just some
>> device I can dump files onto. Googleing the epson also brought up
>> another brand "Archos". Not one I've heard of before, any opinions?
>> Feroze
>> Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:
>>> On Dec 20, 2006, at 2:10 PM, Feroze wrote:
>>>> ... My K10 has been reserved for me will be picking up on
>>>> Saturday..........I feel like a kid a Christmas first
>>>> DSLR....
>>>> Is anyone out there using an ipod to dump the raw files directly?
>>>> Or are
>>>> there better alternatives?
>>> I've tried all the available solutions for using the iPod as a
>>> portable storage device for photographic purposes. They're all
>>> lacking, in my opinion. Poor transfer speeds and heavy battery
>>> consumption are the norm. For people shooting just a modest number of
>>> RAW or JPEG files, ok: it can work well enough. For those working
>>> with RAW files in any volume it is pretty much hopeless.
>>> I use an Epson P2000 portable multimedia viewer/player. It doesn't
>>> process or allow preview of K10D RAW files (either PEF or DNG
>>> format), but, as discussed the other day, it downloads them without
>>> any problems. If you want to view, set the camera to produce RAW+JPEG
>>> and set the JPEG processing to minimum size/** quality. This will
>>> cost, on average, about 500K additional per frame on disk/card space
>>> but allow you to review the files on the Epson's display.
>>> I have tested this to be sure ... works like a charm. The Epson
>>> P2000, P4000, P4500 and P5000 are top-notch portable storage devices.
>>> The P5000 is supposed to be able to process DNG files as well, but
>>> it's likely not a full DNG implementation based on the information in
>>> Epson's FAQ so I wouldn't expect it.
>>> Godfrey
>> -- 
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