----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Celio" Subject: Noisy New Year (blue channel noise issue)

> Welcome to 2007!
> *sigh*
> I hate to give fuel to the doomsayers and eternal pessimists (read: the
> seeming majority of DPReview's forum users and a few guys here), but I 
> think
> there's a problem with my K10D.  I never saw long-exposure noise like this
> in my *istD.
> Here are three versions of the same two-photo (10-second exposures) 
> stitch.
> Granted, they're reduced in size and compressed, but if you look at them 
> in
> photoshop or a browser with a non-white background, you'll see what I'm
> talking about.
> Full color: http://www.neovenator.com/special/new_year_pano_color.jpg
> Red channel: 
> http://www.neovenator.com/special/new_year_pano_red_channel.jpg
>   - very low noise, and the green channel is similar
> Blue channel:
> http://www.neovenator.com/special/new_year_pano_blue_channel.jpg
>   - it's so noisy, it looks like a photo in a newspaper printed with
> rollers that were covered in dirt.  Look at those streaks!  It's horrible!
> Here's the right frame, which you can take into photoshop and see the
> channels first-hand:
> http://www.neovenator.com/special/new_year_pano_frame.jpg
> This is incredibly frustrating.  It's a good thing I wasn't able to make 
> my
> big nighttime pano this year, because the noise would be driving me 
> insane.
> My question is, should I wait for Pentax to release a firmware update and
> see if that solves the problem, or call up Pentax this week and bug them
> about it?
> Also, what's a good phone number for reaching Pentax (US)?

I've noticed that complaints of excessive noise seem to be cropping up when 
exposure times hit the several second range. I suspect that it is a sensor 
problem and that we are stuck with it.
I applied some pretty heavy noise reduction to the blue channel of the image 
you posted, and thought it was much improved for it.

William Robb 

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