i love this list.  it's so great to have all this free entertainment 
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Roberts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" <pdml@pdml.net>
Sent: Monday, January 01, 2007 4:05 PM
Subject: 2006 PDML quotations list: Part 2

> ------ 2006 PDML quotations list: Part 2 ------
> "I like hubris too, it's really good with flat bread."
> - Norm Baugher
> "If pictures were brownies, a raw file would be like a grocery sack
> containing a brownie mix, eggs, water and oil. Within some limits, you
> can vary the ingredients and the baking time to make the brownies just
> the way you like them. JPEG file are more like coming home from the
> bakery with a box of brownies. Hope you like them, 'cause they're
> already cooked."
> - George Sinos
> "I do mental shots all the time."
> - Marnie AKA Doe
> "The best ones are always out of context"
> - Cotty
> You know things are getting bad when the quotes list becomes self
> referential."
> - P. J. Alling
> "Some years ago, I decided that it was just as important to see a
> photograph as it was to shoot one. I think when I decided that, I
> started churning out better photographs too."
> - Bill Robb
> "Frank and I wondered what we had done, other than set a low standard
> that was easy to exceed."
> - Cesar Abdul Matamoros II
> "The 6x7 format is extremely hobbled by DOF considerations."
> - Bill Robb
> "If anyone needs to know if octopusses have tongues, see Doug."
> - Dave Brooks
> "Can I skip this thread too?"
> - Marnie AKA Doe
> "Did you ever visit the primaeval Bialowieza Forest where the bison
> roam amidst 100 foot tall oaks?"
> - John Forbes
> "I can smell the testosterone from here."
> - Marnie AKA Doe
> "Doug, we know he doesn't need any alcohol - maintaining this list is
> intoxicating enough."
> - Cesar Abdul Matamoros II (Kerplunk, Kerplunk, Oops Where's My
> Thribble?)
> "I had a life, but then I bought a computer with a modem."
> - Aaron Reynolds
> "When you are shooting for money, you're supposed to know what you're
> doing."
> - Doug Brewer
> "I wouldn't be afraid to shoot weddings with the D, if I weren't afraid
> to shoot weddings in general."
> - Paul Stenquist
> "My eyes are shooting out psychic discombobulating beams."
> - Marnie AKA Doe
> "Will probably be some time before she can send an articulate post. Not
> sure if that is a gender, family or PDML trait."
> - Mike Wilson
> "It's easy to blame bad photography on the equipment."
> - Bill Robb
> "Sometimes, interpreting the instruction manual is an art in its own
> right."
> - Godfrey DiGiorgi
> "The lab industry... used to be staffed by photographers looking to
> supplement their incomes. Now it is staffed by people who weren't fast
> enough to be cashiers."
> - Bill Robb
> "Things I can live without would be local politicians and light beer."
> - Dave Brooks
> "When I read people saying 'rotate it 0.04 degrees' I start laughing.
> This is photography people, not precision engineering."
> - David Savage
> "It's easy to shoot birds with a 200 -- if they're dead."
> - Paul Stenquist
> "So much for our fantasies of having an all-potato chassis..."
> - Aaron Reynolds
> "Electromagnetism is very fickle."
> - Tom Cakalic
> "Discipline requires limitation."
> - Bill Robb
> "I shoot. I don't test."
> - Paul Stenquist
> - Cotty
> "Lots of things are done without releases, but it only takes one
> lawsuit to ruin your day."
> - Bob Shell
> "No amateur has to justify any price tag."
> - Cotty
> "Some things flow downhill - you appear to at the bottom of the hill."
> - Sulu (another quote imported from outside the PDML, but what the
> heck...)
> "Marek is a long time Pentax user, the patience of a saint comes with
> it :)"
> - Tomasz Machnik
> "Some people are looking for problems, and find them. Others aren't,
> and don't."
> - Bill Robb
> "I ... do not believe that art can exist without an underlying
> philosophy."
> - Bob Shell
> "Reality is. Some delude themselves otherwise through interpretation."
> - Bill Robb
> "A professional photographer is one who expects to get paid for making
> photos. And equipment in my experience plays a part way secondary to
> having the neccessary contacts with photo buyers."
> - Graywolf
> "Use? Connection vessel yes it is cheap the equipment spiral shellfish
> mouth?"
> - Babelfish
> "You suck."
> - Doug Brewer
> "The Pentax viewfinders are pretty good compared to the competition. I
> realize this is like saying my dog has pretty good breath for a dog."
> - Bill Robb
> "The greater the artist, the greater the doubt; perfect confidence is
> granted to the less talented as a consolation prize."
> - Robert Hughes in Time Magazine
> "The women (in Canada) are quite warm. We bury the ones that cool off
> too much."
> - Bill Robb
> "I laughed so hard I farted!"
> - Bob Walkden
> "William Robb insults everybody, knows what he is talking about, and is
> frequently very entertaining."
> - John Forbes
> "Shooting any kind of sports requires two things: Knowledge of what you
> are shooting and fast reflexes. What you want is a camera that will
> allow incompetence behind it."
> - Bill Robb
> "Some people care about specs, others care about making photographs."
> - Shel Belinkoff
> "Go with lots of film, shoot off a bunch, and hope for the best"
> - Frank Theriault
> "It's probably hard to sell a magazine with headline that says 'Five
> cameras tested, they're virtually identical, it won't make much
> difference which one you pick!!!!'"
> - George Sinos
> "We still shake hands up here and live by the spirit of agreements,
> rather than the absolute letter of them. It may not be the right way in
> some people's minds, but it is our way."
> - Bill Robb
> "The antithesis of pure utility"
> - Rob Studdert's definition of Art
> "I always knew you were weird."
> - Marnie AKA Doe
> "The word 'inexpensive' loses all meaning in that rarefied atmosphere
> of high prices."
> - Keith Whaley
> "If you can, do. If you can't, analyse."
> - John Forbes
> "A tripod that stays at home or in the trunk of the car because it's
> too heavy to carry comfortably is worse than no tripod at all"
> - Rick Womer
> "A heavy tripod is just natures way of telling you to get fitter."
> - Malcolm Smith
> "I don't think you're allowed to make sensible remarks of that nature
> on that subject."
> - ERN Reed
> "I saw the pdml, clicked the link, decided that Doug was funny, and
> signed up."
> - Dave Brooks
> "We're really quite amusing when you crush an entire year's waste into
> a single dumpster like that."
> - Bob Walkden
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> PDML@pdml.net
> http://pdml.net/mailman/listinfo/pdml_pdml.net 

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