Hey Cotty,
Find the time, and do it now. Time as a way of slipping...

> BTW, if you get a chance try and have a look at the doc - it's 
> remarkable, and most likely quite salient to plenty here.

Will do. Do you get a nod in the credits?

On 1/21/07, Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just finished watching a fabulous BBC documentary on the LA music 
> scene from the 60s and 70s -
> <http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/music/features/hotel-california.shtml>
> and one slightly surprising byproduct for me personally was seeing 
> some wonderful monochrome portraits - so much so that it has inspired 
> me to try and do some more portrait work (of course, using the 
> venerable A*85 to keep it on topic). I haven't gotten my teeth into 
> anything decent - photographically speaking - for a long time, what 
> with house moving and work and such. I think I might be on the verge 
> of something big (as the bishop said to the actress).
> BTW, if you get a chance try and have a look at the doc - it's 
> remarkable, and most likely quite salient to plenty here.
> Time for some Neil Young.

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