On 3/03/07 12:15 PM, "Kenneth Waller", <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Just because a DSLR or SLR is being used, it doesn't mean the operator knows
> what he/she is doing.

This reminds me of an interesting thread/statistics in Japan regarding Canon
EOS.  At the recent press conference for EOS 1D Mark III, Canon proudly
displayed a banner "27 Million EOS Series camera and 30 million EOS lenses
to date".  At the first glance, an excellent achievement, right?
But what does this tell you?
This means, in a simple average term, it is a 1.2 lenses per camera.  Well,
we all know that there are many pros and EOS enthusiasts who own multiple
lenses.  So, guys in Japan concluded that the rest of the people are those
who buy DigiRebel with a kit lens but never bother to buy another lens (or
two :-).
Hmmm, Pentax were really right that they squeezed as much dollars as
possible from those people by keeping offering entry level DSLR before
moving to a notch upper level.


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