On 3/09/07 1:16 PM, "Godfrey DiGiorgi", <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That's all nothing more than a big load of condescending bullshit.
> You're being pissy and picking a fight because you think I meant to
> offend your delicate sensibilities. I didn't, get over it. My comment
> was not directed at you specifically, and it wasn't even a response
> to your post. If you choose to go whispering amongst your 'good
> friends' about me, or anyone else, all you're doing is acting like a
> pouty teenager who's been told that they're stupid.

You seem to be overly concerned about how you look or regarded, eh?  Why is
that?  Wasn't it always like this in your life?
And watch your language.
You tend to go wild as soon as you think someone hurt your pride or
something, and you easily go way over the line offending everybody.  There
has been a tacit set of etiquette in this list for a long time, way before
you joined.  Don't be a person to make this list any other lists you may
have been participating. I live in North America long enough and may be
Americanized (Canadianized) so that I could be just as blunt as you are.
But yours is not the bluntness but the rudeness coming from the lack of
education,  Academic education is not all the education.
Behave yourself and don't blow things out of proportion.

Usually, except very few occasions, any flame wars have been were well
contained and usually self-contained, but that's because people in this list
know the minimum etiquette and the social commonsense.
You are often involved in the centre of wars with very offensive and obscene
words.  Who told you that you can do it here?

Anyway, you are what I thought you were, exposing yourself to the world.  I
can get any useful info from anywhere else.
Tell you what.  I'll disappear for your sake and to make you happier.
As I said, I do not pick a fight with anybody and do not wish to leave a bad
air with anybody in this list.  Life is short and nothing is worth the
You have tendency to blow up, use foul language, say selfish things and end
up squeezing people out.  Stop it.  As I said, this list is for everybody,
but not for your exclusive use and you cannot just say the things only
because you want to.
I have been observing your pattern of pompousness and rude attitude, so I
just gave you a tickle.  Maybe I was right on which should have enraged you.
In any case, have fun.  Bye,


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