Windows caches the preview information in the thumbs.db file in each 
directory with thumbnails turned on.  "Raw shell extender" seems to 
saving the raw display data in a file called rseThumbs.db, which is 
located in the [%USER%}\Application Data\RawShellExtender directory.  It 
obviously takes some time to build a database entry.

Bong Manayon wrote:
> On 3/18/07, Thibouille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On my system it seems to freeze for a couple seconds when updating
>> thumbnails. Annoying but a very welcome software, for sure.
> It seems to be indexing the thumbnails when you view the folder for
> the first time because when you look at the same folder again, its a
> whole lot quicker.  I've only viewed one folder so far...
> Bong

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