On 3/21/07, Bob W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Doesn't matter. You made me look at the page and I spotted a link
> labelled "What is Art?" which seems to hold the promise of answering a
> question which has troubled better brains than mine for centuries.
> Sure enough, Ken tells us. http://www.kenrockwell.com/tech/art.htm
> There's even a test at the end.
> That means I can throw some of my books away and make a bit of space
> on my floor. The universities can close their art history departments
> and use the money for something useful which advances our culture,
> like management studies or social sciences.
> The test is great actually, and shows that Ken has a sense of humour.
> Skip his pages, and go straight to the test:
> http://www.modestypanel.com/artorcrap/#
> I got 12/16, which was a bit disappointing, but I didn't understand
> that some of it was not art, and the pisspot suckered me.

My problem with art, is that seeing it on a page doesn't tell me if it's art.

If it's in (for instance) an art gallery, I know it's art.  Unless
maybe it's just the furniture.

Okay, I have to admit once I went into a washroom and got confused -
thought it was a Dada gallery or something.  I spent 1/2 an hour
watching the performace artists, until I realized they were just

I took Ken's test, guessed that everything was art, and scored 50%.

I know I've resisted being called an artist in the past, and reading
Ken's little thesis only confirms that I'm on the right track...


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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