Jay, a wonderful photo!  Maybe the most memorable you'll ever take.

I will pray for peace for your mother & family.

Be well.

Kenneth Waller

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jay Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PEOW:Tribute/Farwell to Mom

> PDML'rs,
> Definitely a great deal of sadness here with the Taylor family as we  
> prepare to bid farewell to my Mom.
> She would be 88 years old on April 20th, but we are all but certain  
> that she will not be able to celebrate this years birthday. Unable to  
> recover from a colonectomy surgery performed in February coupled with  
> Aortic Stenosis, her condition has continued to deteriorate over the  
> past several weeks.
> She had not been eating and drinking enough to sustain herself and  
> was back in the hospital within a couple weeks after surgery for  
> dehydration. With her fluids stabilized the hospital had informed us  
> that they pretty much had done all they could do for her short of  
> inserting a feeding tube which she would not want nor allow. The best  
> thing that we could do for her is bring her home to be comfortable  
> with hospice care.
> Fortunately, we had just bought a new house last summer with a  
> "Mother-in-Law" unit in the downstairs portion where my mom and  
> brother were able to move in with us. So, the three of us have been  
> caring for her (my wife works from home) since her discharge about  
> six weeks ago.
> At first we were hopeful that being back at home would give her the  
> motivation and comfort to have better chance of recovery. She had  
> been eating a little more and drinking Ensure protein drinks regularly.
> But she was still not taking in enough nutrients to sustain herself.  
> It seemed that she had just lost all interest in food altogether  
> except for maybe chocolates and a few select fruits. At first she was  
> walking around OK  even by herself with the help of the walker. But  
> the last couple weeks she's gotten progressively worse to the point  
> where we could no longer even take her to the bathroom via wheelchair  
> because she started passing out  from just sitting on the commode.
> These past few days have been very difficult for all of us knowing  
> that she does not have much time left here with us. Though we do have  
> comfort in knowing that as a true disciple and saint of our Lord  
> Jesus and that a very special place in heaven awaits her.
> She is truly a very special person. Loved by many who know her and  
> even those who've only had a chance to meet. You see, she is a very  
> loving and humble human being. I can never remember her saying a  
> negative or cruel thing about any single person in her life. She is  
> one of the most self-less persons I have ever known. Always willing  
> to forsake her needs for those of her children and grandchildren and  
> even people she didn't know very well at all. She has taught me so  
> much about life by the example that she lived each and every day; the  
> most important of which is Love. But if it hadn't been for her taking  
> me to church as a young boy and teaching me about Jesus  I don't  
> think I'd be here to this day. I could have easily ended up  like  
> many of my peers in jails, institutions or dead.
> It' really hard at the moment to really reflect on just how much she  
> really means to me. I remain hopeful of better days ahead. Here is a  
> photo I took of us shortly after her surgery:
> http://i.pbase.com/o6/87/63987/1/76532119.31qAeDgY.IMGP0707.jpg
> If you are so inclined, please pray that her passing will be  
> comforted by the Creator and those who love her.
> Thank you,
> John James Taylor, Jr. (aka JayT)

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