Bruce Dayton wrote:
> Tom,
> I have thought about doing that also, but have never been brave enough to
> try.  Even though I scan all the time, I have felt that the time to deal
> with an entire wedding would be just too much.  You would really need to
> have full roll batch scanning with automatic correction and then feed it to
> a program that wou

Well, the idea was to have my lab do the scanning at around $12 per
roll, then do the html myself. I did write a script that created the
individual html pages, but it still took a lot longer then I thought it
would have.

I figure with a little practice I could get it down to 5 or 10 hours. I
would need to rewrite the script to create the index pages.

For comparison, it usually take me about 7 or 8 hours to put a proof
album together.

Another reason I'd like digital to work is that I'd have a copy af the
proofs as well. Currently my clients get to keep them, and I keep the

> As I looked of the images, I concur that the B&W is a bit rough.  It
> certainly seems very grainy looking.  Is it really like that or is this what
> happened during the scans?  

Well, they're TMZ at 1600, mostly, so those are on the grainy side. It's
the bad contrast I object to, which happened mostly with the Delta 400.
Some of them were unsharp as well, even though the negs look fine.

I do develop a little hot, which is what my enlarger seems to prefer, so
maybe that's the problem wrt the contrast problem.

> I'm getting ready to scan some Kodak Black &
> White Chromogenic film.  I'll let you know how well it scans.  Thanks for
> sharing.  I liked your pose of the groom and his attendents against the
> fence.  Something I haven't seen before.

Actually, as one of the groomsmen pointed out afterwards, you probably
saw it on the cover of a Beatles album....;)

Ed wrote:
> Nice shots, Tom.  


> I might also add that for anyone with a s-l-o-w
> internet connection like me, it still might be faster to drive somewhere
> and look at all the proofs. :)

>From Phoenix?

Leon Altoff wrote:
> On Sat, 20 Oct 2001 02:35:45 -0700, tom wrote:
> >Once I got the scans to a point where they weren't ridiculously heinous
> >(they're happily mediocre now), I started working on the html...I soon
> >realized that I'd have to come up with about 250 html files. Ugh.
> >
> >So I learned perl, and wrote a script to write most of them.
> I actually use Excel to create large numbers of near identical html
> pages.  Once I have the formulas all sorted out I just fill in what
> specifics are required and run a macro.  For your situation once you
> have the standard formulas you could create pages for different
> weddings quite easily.

What I'd like to do, and my script is pretty close to doing, is read a
directory of jpegs, create an index page of thumbnails, and an
individual html page from a template for each one. Can excel do that? 

I didn't think to see if a spreadsheet could solve my html problems...;)

> The first time is what takes the time.  If you set up some automation
> and get the scans right it should be quicker from now on.

I think you're right, some automation will cut the time down a bit, but
I'm still not satisfied with the scans.

It seems to me you can develop your b+w and optimize for printing or
scanning, but not both. 

Maybe I'll try a different lab....maybe I just need someone with a
scanner that can handle more contrast. 

Anand DHUPKAR wrote:
> i think, it depends on how you take the shoot, but frankly, i don't feel the
> snaps are that bad.

I'm happy with the photos (though I can always find things that are
wrong and want to improve), I'm disappointed with the scans.

> btw, are you commercial photographer ? 

No, just weddings and portraits.

> in that case i think if you would
> have used digital camera straight way, it would have been far easier and
> superior too.

Find me one that'll do nice 11x14's at EI 1600 and I'll buy it.

Thanks for all the comments.

BTW, the clients say they're quite happy with them...

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