On 5/2/07, Tom C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I think this phenomenon is more with the younger set.  Where I live,
> >most of the book stores have gone out of business - just Borders is
> >left and an odd store here and there.  They all seem to sell more
> >music, videos and gifts than they do books, though.
> >
> >It is even in the technology.  When we were younger, you had to listen
> >to music on either tape or vinyl records.  The means of skipping
> >around between songs was clumsy at best.  So we mostly listened to the
> >whole thing once started.
> Which is how we learned some of the best music was not the Top 40 hits!

True, but then the 80's came along and wrecked everything, music wise.

> >With the advent of CD players and now
> >Ipods, it is very interesting to watch the young ones.  They switch
> >between songs constantly and rarely listen to the whole song - just
> >catching the 20-30 seconds that is really 'cool' to them.
> Sacrilege IMO. :-)
> --
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Equine Photography
Ontario Canada

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