frank theriault wrote:

>On 5/2/07, P. J. Alling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I like the way a little box that says "Help" drops down on the Frank
>>picture if you hover the cursor over it.  (Yes I know, it's on the bike
>>too, but that's not as much fun).
>Speaking of frank, here's his latest track bike (since this is a bike
>thread, and I don't think I've shown it to the list yet):
>Now ~that's~ a freaking bike...

Sweet bike, much simpler paintjob than the other Fondriest frames I've seen.

I was in La Carrera Cycles on trhe weekend (looking for a set of 
bullhorns) and saw your show, some nice stuff there.

Who probably should take a couple shots of his Steelwool.

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