Damm, it just never gets easier for you.....sorry


graywolf wrote:
> Well, I may have gotten a new set of wrenches for my troubles with the 
> truck, but with a sudden thunderstorm yesterday Old Murph got even.
> I was setting here at the keyboard, reading the Pentax Discussion 
> Mailing List when there was a sudden KAAA_BOOM! I hit my head on the 
> ceiling and the computer died for a moment. Then came back up. "Wow, I 
> am lucky that didn't kill the computer", I muttered. "But wait no 
> Internet. Must have knocked out the cable. No the TV works. Let's try 
> the laptop. Got a wireless connection. Must be the network card, I will 
> get one tomorrow."
> I picked up a NIC today and put it in. Still no connection. "The 
> wireless works so the modem and router must be OK", I thought. "I'll try 
> another cable. Nope, that didn't help. Let's hook the laptop up via 
> cable. Darn that don't work either. How the heck can it blow the wired 
> hub and not knock out the wireless? Let's hook up directly to the modem. 
> Works! Damn, now I am going to have to get another wireless router too."
> How did that happen? It had to come through two surge protectors, or 
> through the cable modem to get to the hub and NIC.
> I am not going to say the obvious, and I don't want any of you to 
> either. I am afraid Old Murph will hear,
> -graywolf

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