I got home around ten last night and was WAY to wiped to even unpack the 
camper.  Something about a 20 hour sleep deficit and a long drive (By 

I had a great time.

It was truly great to meet the newbs and renew the old friendships.

I'll type a full report later, I have to go to work now :(
Here's the one shot I submitted to the contest.

And for Dave Savage, I just dragged it off the disc you burned.  It's a 
conspiracy, I tell you!



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Roberts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Pentax-Discuss Mail List" <pdml@pdml.net>
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2007 7:46 PM
Subject: Another GFM weekend done

> It seemed to go by at blinding speed and be over in a eyeblink but yet
> another GFM Nature Photography Weekend is behind us.
> We arrived at the mountain on Thursday afternoon and checked in with
> the authorities. :) Those who know Don Nelson (amd many who don't) will
> be happy to learn that he's recovering from his major
> chemotherapy/radiation treatment well. He's still quite tired much of
> the time, but all indications are that he's recovering well and is much
> ahead of schedule in that regard.
> I did my annual overnight on the mountain Thursday night and got some
> fairly good shots in the early morning light on Friday.
> On Friday evening there was a good presentation by Tony Sweet, then a
> good bit of socializing around the camp site. I got to meet Dave Savage
> and catch up with Cotty and some others I haven't seen in a while.
> On Saturday morning I let a hike along some of the mountain's toughest
> trails. We had 10 people start out and 4 of us did the whole route,
> with others choosing their own turnaround points based on their ability
> and/or time needs. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. Mark Cassino's
> presentation on Saturday evening was predictably excellent. Some truly
> amazing photography.
> Sunday was a bur for me: Judging the contest with my colleague Doug
> "Darth" Brewer and doing the awards presentation took about 4 hours but
> seemed to be over in just minutes. A couple of meetings with various
> people, packing up the camp site and then on the road to the cabin in
> Ashe county with barely time to catch my breath. I didn't have nearly
> enough time to chat with people whom I get to see only rarely. My
> apologies to anyone whom I accidentally slighted: There's just too much
> work and not enough time for those of us involved in making this event
> happen.
> Start making plans for next year. And get ready for some good on-line
> galleries to start appearing in the next few days.
> -- 
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> PDML@pdml.net
> http://pdml.net/mailman/listinfo/pdml_pdml.net
> -- 
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