In a message dated 6/3/2007 10:36:26 P.M.  Pacific Daylight Time, 
While walking along  the shoreline, I spied this little dog, tied up 
sitting a rocking chair  crying.  Looking more than a bit pathetic.  I 
quickly shot off a  half a dozen frames.  Unfortunately the frames that 
showed the pathos  were a bit out of focus, well more than a bit, so I 
had to forgo my original  intended title "Pathetic porch pooch peals"...  
This one was nicely  focused and so seems the dog so here is Watchdog.

Equipment:   Pentax *ist-Ds/smc Pentax F 70-210mm f3.8~5.6

As usual comments are  welcome but may be totally ignored.

Overall I like this,  the stripes and dog and the sharpness. Just think it 
lacks much that makes it  distinctive. In other words, it doesn't grab me all 
that much. But a perfectly  decent shot. HTH.

Marnie aka Doe  :-)

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