I like it.

Though he should be wearing gauntlets and long sleeves for protection.
I've had some rather nasty "sun" burn from lots of welding without
gloves and having the top button of my shirt open.



On 6/2/07, Peter McIntosh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My son has just walked out of a carpentry apprenticeship 2 years in,
> after a rather unpleasant time there.  He's since been doing bits of
> work here and there in order to pay the bills, and has just started
> working with his friend's father in his metal fabrication business.  It
> looks like he's found something he enjoys, and is teaching himself how
> to arc-weld.  I managed to get him to let me grab a couple of shots;
> here's one I like.
> http://picasaweb.google.com/petergly/OnePhoto/photo#5071375848423957826
> EXIF:  1600 ISO, 1/30 @ f/5.6.  A28mm f/2.8 lens used.
> Haven't used high ISO's on my ist-DL much.  I like what I'm seeing,
> though.  And the 28mm lens seems to be a good one on this camera.  All
> questions re workplace safety are to be sent directly to him... ;-)
> Ciao,
> Peter in western Sydney
> --
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